Guest Posts Startup Advices

Simple Marketing Strategies To Promote Your Product Offline

Digital advertising has come to be the go-to platform for a lot of qualified services
businesses. Paralleled to traditional advertising, online struggles are simple to evaluate and, fascinatingly enough, repeatedly less costly.

Even so, a lot of outmoded, offline advertising strategies can be operational at constructing and assisting your SEO company’s online brand. In fact, the publicizing stratagems that bring about the largest influence use a mixture of both online and offline techniques.

Guest Posts



So your print jobs get delivered from the press, colours look different, white lines by the edges and you are totally upset with the printing press… Let me ask, did you prepare the artwork or design for print? A lot of us (graphic designers) tend to ignore the responsibility of this important process, you may have created a fantastic design but if not prepared properly for print, it wouldn’t look exactly fantastic.


If you haven’t prepared a design for press before, here’s a quick guide from my experience in the print media industry. I’ve made quite a few errors – from not sending the right artwork size, wrong colours, displaced pages etc, but I’m better now *smiling*.


First let’s learn a few terms used in the printing industry: